1. I put the artwork in a large pile and forget about it. The pile got so big I had to find a new way to deal with it. Some of which was throwing it in the garbage when the kids weren't around. I know, bad mummy!
2. I hung a string from one end of a wall to another and used clothes pegs to hang the art from the string like a gallery. Inevitably the string got torn down by rambunctious kids and when it was up there was still old artwork that needed somewhere to go once we hung new artwork.
3. Then I got smart and got two large plastic storage containers. I labelled them with my childs' names and now I put artwork in each when it comes in.
I'm currently working with a combination of these systems. I have a pile of artwork in my office to be filed. The really great stuff either goes on the fridge for a while or up on the art wall in our office. It is then labelled and put into one of the art boxes. As for the art that is just too big or in 3D...I have been taking a photo of it so I can put it into an art book at some later date. This works great for lego creations as well.
But now...I have discovered an app! It's called Artkive. It's is an awesome little app that lets you take pictures of your child's art, sort the art by child, age and date and then eventually you can have Artkive make your works of art into an art book for your child. I've only just started using this app but I'm excited at it's possibilities and the kids love photographing and seeing their art on the screen. I'm just wondering if there is a way to use photos I've already taken of art that is long gone. If you try this app, let me know what you think. I think it's brilliant!
hi. i love your ideas about helping kids get organized.definitely labeling Plastic Storage Containers is a great way to get organized.