I grew up going to cottages on weekends in places like Lake Muskoka and Lake Rosseau in Ontario. These so called "cottages" were nicer and much larger than our home in the city of Toronto. And our home was nice! The day would be spent lying on the dock sunbathing, with a drink and sun tan oil (yes, it was sun tan oil back then) within reach. The occasional dip in the lake would cool us off and this routine would be intermittently interrupted by the necessary meals and snacks. It was glorious!
Then comes the move to BC...
and more appropriately to a small town where cottages are not as prevalent and camping is the thing to do in the summer. I have tried the camping thing, twice, and I must say that I hate it. It's stressful getting ready and packing up, it's dreadful setting up camp and having to struggle with tents and poles and air mattresses and it's awful sleeping on a leaky mattress, freezing my buns off! I would say the campfire is great but then again my clothes and hair stink and I end up with marshmallow somewhere it shouldn't be.
No, I am not a camper. I will no longer make excuses as to why I can not join you to go camping. I just don't like it. I will visit you and make disparaging comments at your expense and I will leave to go home and sleep in my cozy bed. I can 'camp' in a rustic little cabin beautifully decorated, situated on a lake with a proper bed and bathroom! I can even 'camp' in a beautiful yacht while sailing on the ocean. That is my way to camp or glamp. I am a glamper and proud of it. Are you a glamper or a camper?
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