Monday, March 11, 2013

Recovering from Surgery - Or just prisoner of your bed!

My girlfriend has been held prisoner in her bed after some major surgery.  She is not the type of person to want to lie in bed for a week or two, lapping up the luxury of doing nothing.  So I thought I'd write a list of all the things she can get done while recovering.  Here we go....

  1. Read up on the latest wine reviews - top priority!
  2. Check out Pinterest - that's your whole week right there!
  3. Learn a new game - board game, card game, app etc
  4. Take an online course
  5. Update your resume
  6. Make a list of things to pack when you travel
  7. Make a chore chart for the kids to keep them out of your hair
  8. Plan the menu for your next dinner party
  9. Write a bucket list
  10. Come up with Christmas/birthday present ideas
  11. Call a mobile esthetician for a mani/pedi
  12. Book all your doctor/ dentist/ optician appointments for when you're better
  13. Research your next travel destination
  14. Book a cleaning lady for when your better but still can't lift things
  15. Check out some new fitness routines
  16. Or some new bedroom routines...wink, wink
  17. Make a to do list 
  18. Arrange flowers to be sent to someone who deserves the surprise - like the grandparents who are always helping out with the kids
  19. Plan new ways to wear the clothes in your closet, put new outfits together
  20. Brush up on or learn a new language
  21. Find some educational apps for the kids
  22. Do your taxes - if totally desperate!
  23. Write a list of books you want to read and movies you want to see - and then read and watch them...because you can!
  24. Call an old friend - now that you have time to gab
  25. Plan your next renovation - be it new paint colours or a redo of the basement
  26. Clean up the apps and music on your phone - out with the old
  27. Download new music and make new playlists
  28. Research that new appliance you need to replace.
  29. Start checking out new swimsuit fashions and new spring/summer fashions in general.
  30. Plan your garden 
  31. Make a 6 week meal plan
  32. And last but not least if it hasn't already been covered, do something you used to do in those quiet times before kids or your job took over your life!

Make the most of your time in bed, heal well and heal quickly!


photo credit: thesearenotpolaroids via photopin cc

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